New methods article accepted for publication
My colleagues and I have published a new articles "White matter and latency of visual evoked potentials during maturation: a miniature pig model of adolescent development" in Journal of Neuroscience Methods. Follow the link to read.
Submission deadline extended
The submission deadline for "Sex as a biological variable in the neurocircuitry of motivated behavior", a Research Topic in Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, has been extended to May 31 2024. We are looking for a broad range of original research...
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New research article published
My colleagues at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and I have had a new research article "Substantia nigra dopamine neuronal responses to habenular stimulation and foot shock are altered by lesions of the rostromedial tegmental nucleus" ac...
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New research paper accepted
Our lab just had a research paper, "Quantitative and qualitative sex difference in habenula-induced inhibition of midbrain dopamine neurons in the rat", accepted by Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. Follow the link to read the abstract and to be no...
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Call for participation in "Sex as a biological variable in the neurocircuitry of motivated behavior"
Abstract submission is now open for a new Research Topic, "Sex as a biological variable in the neurocircuitry of motivated behavior" in Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. We are looking for a broad range of original research, methodology, and revi... (Link)
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